Committees, Districts and Groups

More than 100 members serve on boards, committees, special interest groups and task forces that are part of the APTA Washington Chapter. Take a look at our groups to see what opportunities might be of interest to you. We also need volunteers to help at our conferences and other events.

Email for more information.

To nominate someone for an elected position, such as board of directors or delegate, go to our Nomination Form.

Visit our Districts web page to see a full detailed map of our 13 member districts and to find job descriptions for District Chairs, as well as our new Legislative District Advocate positions. Connect with individual districts through the links in the chart below.

Committees and Task Forces
Brett Neilson, Co-Chair
Sean Rundell, Co-Chair
Christi Riley, Chair
Janae Chinn, Chair & State Government Affairs Liaison
Megan Thomas, Chair
Elena Crooks, Chair
Maria Caballero, Chair
Rachel Herron (she/her) & Kristin Ringstad (she/her), Co-Chairs
Marissa (Missy) Garvin (she/her), Scribe
Kyle Stewart, Chair
Brad Defenbaugh & Adam Turley, Members
Lori Marx, Chair
Anthony Yengo, Vice Chair

Kyle Stewart, Chair
Noel Ybarra, Vice Chair
Justin Harris, Co-Chair
Jenna Neff-Jacques, Co-Chair
Tyler Smith, Chair
Open, Chair
Open, Vice Chair
Open, Chair
Open, Chair
Megan Thomas, Chair
Open, Chair
Ryan McElgun, Chair
Kristi Nave, Vice-Chair
Jennifer Penrose, Chair
Chuck Martin, Co-Chair
Jennifer Fleckenstein, Co-Chair

Special Interest Groups
Jeffery Scott, President
Annelies Smith, Vice President
Brian Cronin, Chair
Eddie Rojas, President
Dotson Sykes, Vice President
Hillary Kaufman, State Chair
Daniel McIntyre, President